Scheduling Support

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Search appointment books as Schedule resource

See: Core FHIR Resources Appointment, Schedule, Slot


Appointment books may be broken in to periods during a single day.

Get 'all' is 6 weeks of all practitioners as Schedule resource:

GET [base]/Schedule

Get all schedules for a practitioner:

GET [base]/Schedule?actor=Practitioner/<practitioner id>

Get all schedules for a practitioner on a date:

GET [base]/Schedule?date=<date>&actor=Practitioner/<practitioner id>


  • Return a FHIR Bundle
  • Bundle.entry will contain Schedule entries
  • Example response in xml and json format:

schedule-response-xml schedule-response-json

Search available slots as Slot resource


ONLY SUPPORTED Get all slots in a given schedule (appointment book)

GET [base]/Slot?schedule=<>


  • Return a FHIR Bundle
  • Bundle.entry will contain Slot entries
  • Example response in xml + json format:

slot-response-xml slot-response-json

Archive Material: Appointment Management